64. World Boxing (Natsume, Famicom, 1990)
Controls-wise, the game is similar to Punch-Out, though far form identical. The d-pad allows you to select between 4 different high punches, and if you are holding the B button while punching, they will be the low version of that punch. Meanwhile holding the A button and using the d-pad wither blocks high or low, or dodges to the left or right.
Where the game doesn't learn as much from Punch-Out are the characters, or rather lack thereof. While Punch-Out had interesting characters with wildly different fighting styles, World Boxing just has a bunch of normal looking dudes, who each fight slightly differently. I suppose it's going for realism, but on an 8-bit system that can be hard to pull off. The AI opponents in the single player mode are a bit too difficult and the gameplay isn't quite as snappy as I would like. That said the mechanics make for a fun enough versus mode, though I also believe that just about any versus game is fun if you have 2 people playing at the same level of skill.
2/5, Decent mechanics, but next to no personality.
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