62. Family Boxing (Namco, Famicom, 1987)
First up is Family Boxing, which was the only Famicom boxing game to be released before Punch-Out. Family Boxing was originally an arcade cabinet called King of Boxer, and this home version was also released in North America with the title Ring King, and came out only a few months before Punch-Out. While in Punch-Out, you are only able to punch, block, and dodge, Family Boxing gives the ability to move your boxer around the ring. You are weirdly tethered to your opponent, though, and are unable to move very far away from them. The A button punches and the B button blocks, though you have to be very precise in your timing, and none of it feel particularly good.
A big issue I have with the game is the fact that it is stat-based, but the stats are extremely unfair: for the vary first fight you have 9 points to split between attack power, speed, and stamina, but the enemy boxer has a total of 25 points across his 3 stats, which makes the fight feel very unfair. There's some decent sprite work here, but that about the only good thing I can say about this game.
1/5, let's hope the later Famicom boxing games have more to enjoy
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