282. Burning Fight (SNK, Arcade (PS2), 1991)
Burning Fight does not stray too far from the genre-defining 1989 Final Fight. You also have 3 characters to choose from: Duke a (Double-Dragon looking dude with uppercut), Billy (a judogi-wearing nwrestler with with football tackle), or Ryu (a fast kung fu-style fighter with a spin kick). Executing each character's special moves costs health, which has never felt like anything other than a tactic to make a game more profitable to me.
Minute-to-minute gameplay feel very typical for the genre, you head to the right and beat up anybody who crosses your path, though Burning Fight at least has some nice texture to the experience to keep it engaging. The basic gameplay is faster than most standard beat-'em-ups enough to sustain the fun, as even the heavier characters hit super quickly and can stun-lock any single enemy with relative ease, making the non-boss fights generally a breeze.
There is also a lot of destructible scenery that usually gives you items when broken. There are certain doors you can open to little "break everything" minigames that remind me of the car-breaking minigame in Street Fighter II. Burning Fight is set in Japan, and those gorgeous SNK backgrounds really give me some flashbacks to my vacations there, though the character sprites were not quite as good-looking.
All that said, Burning Fight still suffers from the multi plane problem when fighting multiple enemies. Most bosses are typically annoying, though some felt more fair than others. Once sub boss actually had the timing down to keep hitting me right as I was getting up, which was an interesting taste of my own medicine, though also very frustrating.
3/5, a trite, but fun early beat-'em-up
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