103. Sega Rally Championship (Sega, Arcade (Saturn) 1994)

Sega Rally Championship is a 1995 port of an arcade game released the previous year. As the name implies, this is a game about rally racing, and proudly features two real world cars: the Toyota Celica and the Lancia Delta.

This is your standard arcade racer format where you have a timer that can be increased by passing through checkpoints or finishing races. Races take place over 3 courses, and the default arcade mode has you only do only lap on each course, so the game can be beaten in about 4 minutes, if you're skilled enough. I got most of the way through the final course bu the time limits were pretty tight. With a little practice, I could probably do it, bu the driving itself is only ok. The physics are on the floaty side, but it's not so bad as to make the game feel unresponsive.

The real standout is the music. The opening track goes so hard on the bass, and the game over screen is probably the my favorite of all time, to the point where I think losing is my favorite part of Sega Rally Championship

3/5, Game Over Yeahhhhhhhhhhh
