66. Statik (Tarsier Studios, Playstation VR, 2017)

Image result for statik psvr
Statik probably has the most clever presentation of any VR game that I've tried: you play as a silent test subject in a mysterious laboratory: The Statik Institute of Retention. You are strapped to a chair and have your hands sealed inside of a box that is covered with various manners of wires and contraptions. The challenge of the game is figuring out how to solve the puzzles that exist on the box with various clues located around the room. Each new level introduces a new environment, as well as a new puzzle box, and each box has a completely different set of controls that you have to deduce and get comfortable with.There is always a scientist guy watching you complete the tests, though they put a cool blur filter on his face, which works both as cool world-building and removes the need for facial animations.

Solving the boxes themselves gave me big The Room vibes (and I'm referring to the iOS puzzle game where you solve contraption-based puzzles, not the infamously bad film), think lots of interlocking parts and rotating pieces. Puzzles were generally challenging, though not too difficult, though in later levels you have to think more outside of the box (literally), with hints being written on walls around the room, or even on a clipboard that the scientist is holding. Eventually I came to a puzzle that stumped me. This definitely feels like the kind of game where you return to a puzzle that was giving you trouble the next day and the solution seems super obvious.

4/5, a neat VR concept with great presentation.
