5. Tiny Toon Adventures (Konami, Super Famicom, 1992)

Tiny Toon Adventures is a pretty basic Konami platformer. Like Animaniacs for Super Nintendo, there is a dash button (used here more interestingly to climb walls). The sprite work looks great, but the gameplay leaves something to be desired. My main complaint is that the main form of attacking is a jump kick that is weirdly floaty and not satisfying to pull off.

This is definitely a middle of the pack 16-bit platformer. There is enough to keep it from being totally mediocre, but the levels feel weirdly paced and empty and the difficulty is all over the place. Some of the sections where you have to dash are pretty cool if a little too difficult. The game gives you unlimited continues and a password feature, but there's not enough here to keep me interested in finishing it. There is a section where you have to play jump rope to continue, so that nudges the game up to a 4 from a 3 for me.

4/5, a middling 16-bit platformer with a few cool ides.
